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How to Litter Train a Kitten
Pet Blog

How to Litter Train a Kitten

From adorable meows to cute little faces, kittens are a bundle of joy you just can’t ignore. Their insanely irresistible demeanor and curious attitudes make them a great pet to adopt, especially for a newbie owner. You know what else makes them so great? They instinctively go #1 and #2 in soil or sand, so litter boxes are the ideal porcelain throne for them. This makes clean up a whole lot easier than other pets. However, just like puppies, kittens need a certain level of house training so they can learn how to properly take care of their business.

Choosing The Right Litter

Cats love to relieve themselves in soil and sand − which is why, as a kid, you were told never to play with the logs you found buried in a sandbox. Finding that right litter, though, is a trial-and-error challenge. You prefer doing your business on your home toilet rather than at the office because you like the surroundings, the toilet paper and the privacy, right? Cats have a preference on the type of litter they use, too. How they feel when they walk on the litter itself is a determining factor. For you, recyclability and a deodorizer are a factor. There are several types of litter to choose from including clay, corn, coconut husk, wheat, wood, walnut-based, recycled newspaper and silica-based gel crystals. Each provides a different texture. In the event you find that perfect litter for your kitty but it doesn’t have the deodorizer you so much appreciate, you’ll have to find other ways to mask that scent. Too bad cats can’t give us a warning signal a la Ace Ventura: “Do NOT go in there!”

What Kind Of Box And Where To Put It

The right box will make the training part go way better. For most kittens, you’ll want to avoid enclosed litter boxes. The dark space can scare them, which makes it an uncomfortable space to empty the tank. The box you choose should also be large enough that the cat can fit inside without touching the walls, so not like that feeling when you’re in an airplane bathroom. It should also be low enough that the cat can get in and out without having to jump. You know what happens when you jump up and down when you have to use the restroom! Don’t make your cat feel the same way.

The location of the litter box is also important. That popular saying “don’t sh** where you eat” applies to litter boxes − in a more literal sense. Litter boxes should be kept away from where your kitten is going to enjoy its daily food and drink and be placed in an area that has very little foot traffic. Cats prefer their litter boxes to be in quiet, calm places – probably so they can enjoy some privacy without some kid pulling on their tale. Avoid placing litter boxes near washing machines or in garages that are loud. This could be a reason why some cats avoid self-cleaning litter boxes, too, because of the noise and vibrations. Some cats are picky eaters, and some are picky poopers. Some may even prefer to have a separate space for each bathroom task.

Get Training To Stick

You can make sure the litter box training is working by maintaining the sacred space. Make sure to clean the litter box of debris every day, with a thorough cleaning twice a week. We all hate using a gas station bathroom. A messy litter box is the equivalent for your kitten. To avoid soggy carpets, make sure you properly introduce your kitten to the litter box. This can be done by placing your feline in and near the box regularly for several days in a row. Litter box training a kitten can be a bit of a tricky task, but doing this deed sooner rather than later will ensure they pick up and keep the habit. If you move or your cat is under an unusual amount of stress because of a new pet or human in the household, you can easily retrain your pet.

Most importantly, don’t get discouraged when litter box training doesn’t work immediately. Adjust your approach and soon enough, Mr. Snugglesworth will be using his litter box regularly.